Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Korea enters Summer phase 2

Last week, we kept on being told that the monsoon season was to finish this weekend, and would be followed by unbearably hot weather in August. Thinking that these people were just guessing- as how would they be able to predict a natural event such as they weather- we assumed that hot dry weather would be "sometime" soon. Well, we now know, that Korean weather is quite easy to predict and when it changes into a new phase, it continues forward and never looks back. So, from last weekend the monsoon ceased and the sun and blue sky appeared. As this was the first truly blue sky we had seen since setting foot in Korea, we hiked to the top of our local hill and, to our amazement, we could clearly see Seoul- the city scape and surrounding mountains.

Here is the view as the sun was setting...

Overlooking our apartment and beyond (we are one of the buildings in the first row, on the right)

Towards downtown Seoul


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First shots we have had an idea of the size of the buildings etc. Great photos

8/15/2006 6:43 PM


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