Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Between Europe and Africa

From Portugal, we ducked back into Spain to visit Seville and continued south to the windsurfer's hangout of Tarifa, from where we planned to catch a ferry across to Morocco. There is just 14km of water separating Spain and Morocco here, so we could clearly see across to Africa when the weather was good.

We arrived in Seville on the weekend, and it's Sunday that is bullfighting day in Spain. I had originally been keen to see a fight, though Mel said she wouldn't be joining me. The weekend before, though, we watched an afternoon of bullfighting on the TV - which incorporates a staggering bull having a sword plunged into its spine, causing it to collapse, before a dagger is driven into the back of its skull (nice family viewing at 2pm on a Sunday afternoon!). After this, I felt less inspired to see it all first hand...we decided to skip that Spanish cultural experience.

The bullfighting ring in Seville
- as close as we decided to get to a fight

Postcards from Andalusia

Detail of an arch at Seville's cathedral

Sand swept paths bear testament to Tarifa's strong winds... do the windfarms on every hill!

Mel in a quiet Spanish courtyard

Europe on this side, Africa on the other - Morocco's coast is visible across the Straits of Gibraltar


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